Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Deadly Desire

At a visit to New York Comic Con, I managed to get my hands on an ARC for the upcoming seventh  Riley Jensen, Guardian book by Keri Arthur . 

It took me a little while to get into this book, maybe because it had been so long since I read the last Riley book that I just felt disconnected from the world, or because Riley just isn't out there almost getting killed every two seconds in this one. Whatever the reason, it may read a bit slow to some in comparison to some of the others in the series. BUT, oh lordy, Ms Arthur makes up for it in the end! 

Riley is investigating not just a series of vampire killings (its the vamps being offed) but a series of zombie killings (the zombies are doing the offing). All of it smack dab in the middle of the full moon. Needless to say Riley gets herself into a spot of trouble. She is trying to juggle time with her super hawt vampire lover Quinn into her case load, and is actually doing a pretty good job, but is distracted by the appearance of bounty hunter Kai into the mix. This unlikeable (or so Riley tries to tell herself) werewolf keeps turning up, setting Riley into a hormonal twist.

I definitely recommend this book, while not as action packed as previous books, this one has a few emotional and personal discoveries for Riley that will have you hopping up and down waiting for the next installment! Deadly Desires releases on March 24, 2009. You can preorder at any major retailer. Here's a couple of the biggies for convenience.

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